Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

无论你是主修土木工程还是环境科学的本科生, or a graduate student pursuing a degree in structural engineering, 土木与环境工程系(CEE)为您提供解决现实问题的职业, pressing issues, 例如保护环境或改善我们周围的物理系统.

About Us

我们提供土木工程学科的本科和研究生课程以及环境科学的跨学科课程. 土木与环境工程系的课程使学生能够以一种使世界变得更好的方式解决真正的挑战. Our programs emphasize hands-on learning and practical application, 在完成课程的过程中,让每个学生都有机会参与现实世界的问题解决.

Why Civil and Environmental Engineering


A man standing in front of a construction site.

What is a Civil Engineer?

Thinking about majoring in civil engineering? In the world of civil engineering, experts harness the power of science, 设计和团队合作,以应对重大挑战,并创造支持和保护公众和环境的解决方案. Civil engineers are often unseen pioneers, working to create safe roadways, bridges and buildings, prevent flooding and ensure access to clean drinking water for all. 但这一领域并不止于此——土木工程师还关注机场的发展, 铁路和水坝,以及创造鱼类和野生动物可以与人类基础设施安全共存的环境. Learn more about careers in civil engineering.


NCEES Awards

国外博彩app的土木工程专业获得了21项NCEES 工程教育奖, more than any other program in the US.

A group of people in a wooded area looking at a tree.

What is an Environmental Scientist?

无论你是否遇到过环境科学家,他们都可能改善了你的生活. Drawing on their expertise in the natural sciences, 环境科学家在保护和维护环境和人类健康方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 他们的主要重点是寻找有效的解决方案,以应对影响环境的挑战. Environmental scientists identify and monitor hazards, create and evaluate comprehensive restoration plans, 并在包括气候变化分析师在内的各种职业中监督这些战略的实施, industrial ecologists, restoration planners and industrial chemists. They can also act as advisors to lawmakers and public policy leaders, offering insights on effectively addressing environmental hazards. 


Employed or in Grad School


Students raising hands in computer lab

Small Class Sizes Benefit You

At Seattle University, 我们提供小班授课,有爱心的教职员工,他们很高兴能和你一起工作, 即使你第一次(或第二次)不理解一个想法或概念.  It’s our goal to ensure every student is successful, not just in their classes, 而且还能从事有意义的职业,对我们的社会和环境产生真正的影响.   With an average class size of just 18 students, and an 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio, 你将从教授那里得到深入的指导,并从他们的关系和经验中受益,为你的职业生涯做准备. 


Recommend Seattle U CEE


A man looking at blueprints.

Hands-On Learning

Learning takes on many forms. To better prepare our graduates to enter the workforce, programs in Seattle University's College of Science and Engineering, including our civil and environmental engineering programs, 强调课堂内外的动手学习和实际应用. In fact, 超过70%的中东欧学生通过在本科期间完成实习获得实践经验.

In the classroom, 团队高级设计项目是我们的CEE项目中的另一个体验式学习机会. To date, 21个设计团队项目获得了著名的 全国工程教育奖, 哪个项目认可鼓励学生和专业工程师之间合作的工程项目. 自2009年该奖项设立以来,CEE获得了所有NCEES奖项的27%. 


Internship Participation


Student Resources

了解更多土木与环境工程系学生可获得的资源, such as advising, scholarships and more.

Gain a Partner in Academic Advising

科学与工程学院的咨询中心专门为我们系的学生提供实用资源和个人支持. See how a partnership with an advisor can benefit you. 我们还确保每个学生都有一位指导老师,帮助他们进行课程和职业规划. 

Your Future Can Be Funded

经济支持使学生能够更自由地体验大学生活. 奖学金减轻了学生的经济压力,使他们能够完全专注于学生生活. Learn more about scholarship opportunities to help fund your education. 

Find Your People

加入学生社团,拓展你的技能和社交圈. 了解更多国外博彩app如何与未来的同事和朋友见面的信息 clubs for civil and environmental engineering students.

Your Civil Engineering Degree: ABET Accredited

You can be confident that your coursework prepares you for your field. 土木工程专业由ABET工程认证委员会认证. 了解更多他们的认可对你未来的成功意味着什么 here.  

Senior Projects Provide Hands-On Experience

Team senior design projects are a highlight of our CEE programs. To date, 21个设计团队项目获得了著名的 全国工程教育奖, 哪个项目认可鼓励学生和专业工程师之间合作的工程项目. 自2009年该奖项设立以来,CEE获得了所有NCEES奖项的27%.

Preparing You for Your Future

公共和私营部门的雇主都需要从我们系毕业的学生. 学生在招聘会上与潜在雇主建立的联系, 专业组织会议和通过他们的高级项目帮助他们自信地在职业生涯中迈出下一步.